スレッド NO.28514
Re^2: イエローストーン蒸気噴出映像
- NO.28514
- 誠◆.RtkcAhdRheo
5MTk5MTMxMT-PC - 2013年08月09日00:55
- 編集・削除
> > http:/
> > /edition.cnn.●/2013/08/01/us/yellowstone-geyser/index.html
> > 水蒸気噴出映像 ●はcom
> > http:/
> > /www.seis.utah.edu/req2webdir/recenteqs/Maps/Yellowstone.html
> 2007年、7月16日10時13分頃 新潟県中越沖地震 - Mj 6.8(Mw 6.7)、新潟県長岡市・柏崎市刈羽村、長野県飯綱町で最大震度 6強。
> キラウエアの変化を探してみました。
> Saturday, July 14, 2007 07:03 HST (Saturday, July 14, 2007 17:03 UTC
> Last 24 hours at Pu`u `O`o vent: The lava lake level is no longer rising and started falling at 3:21 pm, exposing the levee walls. In addition, the flow from east vent was not sufficient to get all the way to the west end of the lake. The west vent and the western portion of the lake were not active. Yesterday before the level dropped, the lava lake surface was measured to be 31 m below the east crater rim. Overall, it appears that the supply of lava to the lake is dwindling.
> やはり、数日前に降下していました。
2010年(平成22年) 2月27日 沖縄本島近海で地震 - Mj 7.2(Mw 7.0)[90]。沖縄県糸満市で最大震度 5弱。負傷者2名。
Sunday, February 21, 2010 7:46 AM HST (Sunday, February 21, 2010 17:46 UTC
the lava level had reached the high position in the pit by noon yesterday
Monday, February 22, 2010 8:05 AM HST (Monday, February 22, 2010 18:05 UTC)
the lava level episodically changed elevation with repeated rapid drops followed by slow recovery of the previous high level
日本時間26日Mj7.2 Mw7.0の地震発生(沖縄)
NO.27713 イエローストーン蒸気噴出映像 誠
08/04 02:49スレッド表示-
├NO.27751 誠
08/04 13:22-
├NO.27874 誠
08/05 08:25
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├NO.28108 誠
08/06 23:33 -
├NO.28372 誠◆7NHaitfwkMrU
08/08 09:09-
└NO.28514 誠◆.RtkcAhdRheo
08/09 00:55
└NO.28514 誠◆.RtkcAhdRheo
├NO.27751 誠